No Turning Back Now!

Hey Everyone,

Happy Fall!  The weather finally matches the season it's supposed to be!  I am going to be mad about all the rain we got this summer for a LONG TIME.

Anyway, how's everyone doing?  Maine has had a traumatic, awful few weeks that we are all trying to navigate through.  18 people were murdered here during our first mass shooting, and the largest one nationwide this year.   As cliche as the saying is, you truly do not know what it's like until it happens in your area. As a whole, we have really buckled down and come together to support those who need it most.  It's never occurred to me that the survivors of these shootings have a life of trauma ahead of them. I am truly "lucky" that I still have everyone I love right here with me, and I am not blind to the fact that 18 families are forever changed because of the shooter.  I haven't decided who/what we're donating to yet for the Lewiston Strong campaigns, but I haven't forgotten.

I'll do a bigger scale, holiday oriented post next week.  I have some incredible people turning out some incredible work and I can't wait to share it with you!  I just posted a Thanksgiving theme batch for the next 7-10 days.  I am running a promo where if you buy a regular bracelet, I will send 5 for you to share.  Just a little extra love to share.  

Excited to introduce Bee The Reason to the Chamber this Thursday morning!!  Hopefully we'll continue the trend of connecting with some incredible people.

Take care of yourselves & each other!

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